my artwork is hung up, and ready to be bought up.
the hottness is doo-doo'in' it at halcyon records/gallery, brooklyn.
go there, get some music, buy some art,
and give out some respect knuckles to my ninja, $5 brett....
word up.
i am super excited, ya'll.
my main man dan came through BIG and hung the show.
it looks great....
i am grateful for my peoples, y'heard?
what a day;
cool breezes, shiny sunlight, a special surprise in the mail.....
i read the newest collection of short stories about hellboy.
yep, the comic book/movie character.
it's called 'oddest jobs'. it's also really, really good.
how does my garden grow?
in little buckets on my patio.
and in strangely distorted shapes, it also turns out...
all told, this is a very hopeful little cuke.
he's still growin' even though he's weird lookin'.
be ugly, and be dope.
that's how the barbarian battle-beasts conjure up the will to sail with the winds of war and change.
i almost got comfortable for a second.
lucky for me, my just-be-dope safety-net saved me from a bath in some weak weak-sauce.
the secret universal plan sends a quick, sharp reminder to stay on the path of the warrior.
damn, ya'll.
i almost forgot about the wrench for a second....
don't worry, though,
i chose wisely.....
sizin' up the enemy.
when you're not winning,
attack the leader.
when you're the leader,
attack yourself.
(if it works for surefire, it's good enough for the hot fire)
i swung for the fences, but only landed base hits all day,
i still feel like the m.v.p.
today is the day.
so is tomorrow.
loud and hard.
never quiet, never soft.......
"Whatever you are, be a good one."
-Abraham Lincoln
"Just be dope"
-Albie Rock
You guys should hang out and tug each others beards.
What kind of artwork is hanging in Brooklyn? The Mrs. works in NYC and stays in Brooklyn during the week. I'm sending her to scope it out!
I have a couple cucumbers that look like that. I'm trying to make some pickles. What are you growing? I'll bring some of my stuff if I'm growing something you're not.
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