in-progress tattoos?
on here?
i spent the evening beginning to cover up some weird black spiky doo-doo butterblot,
using some crucial oddbody fire,
and my new homeboy,
the patron of fire and wisdom.
(a.k.a acala)
he's got a sword,
he captures demons,
he is one of the furious wisdom kings,
and he also gets linked to monetary fortunes....
a berserker barbarian battle-buddhist?
you all already know.
the immovable one, ya'll.
he can't be swayed from just being dope.
a not too shabby start on a serious sleeve of sanskrit saviors, y'know?
me and my sharpie markers mave moves, son.
they move cool.
strutting their stuff, and running pretty darned fast, too.
we had a plentifully populous posse of 'em munchin' on some nature and stuff.
woodsly goodness is happening all around us.
don't tell anyone with a blunderbuss and buckles on their shoes.....
never quiet, never soft...
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