Sunday, January 3

creator. destroyer.

that's right.
giver and taker.
ruiner and maker.
helping hands and closed fists.
ten delicate digits for writing love letters and painting pictures.
two monstrous man-mitts for meting out mountains of manly mayhem.
a pair of pendulous palms palpably piling on
the punishment and the puissant passion.
two extremes from two extreme extremities.
righty tighty, left loosey, an' that.
high fives and no-fives.
i've got the whole wide small small world in 'em.
that's how i take a bite out of life, ya'll;
my hands have teeth.
you know it.
paws and claws like a motherF*er.
thumb-sucking knuckle sandwich serving wavers and shakers.
i got them jauns.
i use them jauns.
to build it all up and tear it all down.
hen-pecking typewriting skills.
pot-stirring inside and outside the kitchen.
smashing and bashing and caressing and stroking.
creation is destruction.
and vice versa.
my hands have teeth,
and they spit hot fire;
never quiet, never soft.....

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