Wednesday, March 24


i went ot the post office and what did i find?
an harmonica hurricane.
four fresh ferocious face harps.
is that a hohner 'blues bender' in Bb?
it sure is.
it says so right on the box.
huge bendy blues brotherly notes.
what's this on about?
did someone say eastern europe?
i think i can hear that yiddish gibberish mayhem.
check the hottness:
thanks to my favorite danish duder,
i've got that folk magic fever.
i mean, the guy used to be in WAR.
warrior battle stereophonic flavor,
in the keys of
A minor,
Bb minor,
G minor,
all minor threats.
harmonic minors.
that's the soundtrack score to
savage stormswept raging gyspy battle-beastliness.
and it's SO good.
word up.
i spent the evening tatblastin' my friend amber,
and listening to good music.
day off late night workload layabout style.
that's how it goes.
during the daytimes,
pre-blast session,
me and the missus murdered our 'to do list',
we also got some sweet threads for the spring season.
that's how busy business gets done.
is a reading day.
and maybe a cigar in the garage day....
it's happening.
the lull before the storm.
one week until minneapolis.
i'm resting my voice,
and my spindly ape-arms.
one week.
and then the volume and the intensity
will resume the competetive cacophony
of east coastal crucial cataclysm.
all the time;
never quiet, never soft.....

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