Wednesday, September 1

rabbit, rabbit!!!!!

repeat after me:
it's the first of the month, y'all.
landlords and welfare cats are happy.
so am i.
i said the magic words.
the lucky good time repetition petition for swell monthly doings.
rabbit, rabbit, my ninjas.
it's september.
for thirty whole days.
in a row.
and september, neighbors,
is one of the best months.
crisp, fresh apples.
that autumny filtered, failing yellow sunlight no other time can match.
back to school times for the little ones,
so no sh!tty little kids F*ing up my dinners in restaurants.
polarity-infused seasonal quarter transformation equinox time.
like i said,
it's good.
really good.
and today's the jump off.
lucky us.
nowhere but here.
that's where i'd like to be right now.
looks like the rabbity babbity blahbity-blah is working.
i mean, i'm here.
and that's something.
i've even got a few plants to drop into the ground today.
for real.
a couple of buckets of razzledazzleberries,
two different kinds of big dark sweet juicy blackberries,
and some bugleweed, too.
it's september.
so i'm late.
but i'm looking towards next year, ninjas.
these little leafy buddies need to set their roots.
and i'm here to help.
i've got some drawings to finish up,
and the overpriced screenprinting lady to bargain with.
i want what i want,
and what i want is pretty fresh.
...and i need it now.
or at least,
within the next ten days.
or else it doesn't go to eleven, y'heard?
word the F* up.
secret sexiness?
loud fresh hardness?
oh yeah...for your face.
due diligence for my favorite season,
my favorite project,
and my favoritest most bestest folks.
(that's all of y'all.)
it's happening.
moves are being made.
never quiet, never soft.....

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