Thursday, December 30

raising eyebrows.

i had the opportunity to do another 'nother set of eyebrows.
believe it or not, neighbors,
i like doing 'em.
especially when they're 'more' than cosmetic.
all y'all already know i'm no doo-doo do-goodery waterbaby...
i can't help but get some satisfaction from what i do,
when i use tattooing to actually improve someone's quality of life.
i mean it.
more often than not,
i dim bright futures and darken doorsteps.
not this time though, mutha-lickas.
i've got the enhancement magic on my side.
eyebrows for alopecia, duders.
that's what i'm talking about.
and for the record, i always have my wifey draw 'em on first.
she's got the cosmetic comet of trailing hottness on her side.
i mean,.
she draws her own ones on every day,
so she's got the turbo-practiced perfection on her side.
which pretty much means it's also on my side.
and so i'm closing out the year doing something nice.
and also most likely eating chinese food.
those are the unofficial rules, right?
i think so.
boiled dinner is on the pot, kids.
a big bucket of 'taters and carrots, and rutabaga,
and horseradishy mustard,
and cabbage.
sorry fresh air...
the 'splosive, thunder-bringing thor's-day
thursday night suppertime delight
is here to wreak the rectal ragnarok on all things
fresh and flowery.
boiling madness, ninjas.
that's another 'nother batch of burly barbarian business.
everything else is just weak sauce.
fury, flavor, feasting, and a whole houseful of in-laws,
lawless ladies one and all.
it's all really happening;
never quiet, never soft.....

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