Friday, March 25


i got world war z as an audiobook.
holy sh!t-balls.
it's dope.
real dope, even.
if you've read the book,
you should get it,
because it's a perfect long drive companion.
believe me,
i've still got a whole disc-and-a-half left
after driving, in traffic and storms, back from ct.
and if for some dumb reason you haven't read the book,
and are at all literate, even barely,
then you're probably an A*-hole.
if you're illiterate,
and that's why,
then you're probably not reading this anyway.
awwww, man.
whatever, neighbors.
you need it,
because it's good for you.
like vitamins, or stories about zombies.
same difference, yeah?
friday night,
no work,
a full belly,
and the venture brothers.
all good things;
never quiet, never soft.....

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