Tuesday, November 29


i got caught up in some sh!t, duders.
that's right,
it happens sometimes.
nerd book engrossment,
word-eater nutrient enrichment,
and fantasyland dwarven groundling enjoyment.
what's that?
revenge of the dwarves.
it commanded my attention
on an otherwise A*-bag day.
it's not exactly short,
and it's english-language-translated from the original german,
and it's the third one in a series,
of which i've already read the others,
and eagerly await new installments,
and it is pretty dope, y'all.
it's not like i didn't have plans, my ninjas.
it's just that november did what it does best-
craptivate the powers of participation.
only a few more hours of that noise, neighbors,
and us worthy warrior poet-barbarians
can get expert with the holiday gift-giving hottness.
november has no place on the XI-mas agenda.
nor any status with my elite evening festivities.
just sayin',
instead of enjoying my self with a bonfire and a cigar,
the hot fire and sour stink stumps were rained out.
warm temperatures are in effect, too.
it's a clammy calamity of late autumn awfulness.
and the soggy-bottomed snowmelt rainstorm flooded
the woodsly goodness with mud and leaves and grossness,
....and fog, kids.
more of that misty moisture and it's obfustication.
when the elemental forces of ma nature are hollerin',
i listen.
so instead of tippity-typing about anything,
i read about dwarves.
they rep axes an' that, and chop molto heads, too.
i'd say it was a better investment of my energies,
and a greater reward for my expenditure.
nerd book reading night, son.
we GOT they.
it's the weekend,
as far as the white mountains are concerned.
two days of doo-dooing anything but work.
which, lately, is the same as going to work.
or rather, going to job,
since working doesn't happen there.
however you define it, y'all,
it's not happening today.
the mountainous elevation of our realm
is eye-level with the clouds.
we're still in a holy-smokescreen of foggy funk.
i can't see sh!t, friends.
there are still a few hundred pages of dwarven battles
calling my name from upstairs.
i think i know what's on the menu for today.
it helps to just let november slip away;
never quiet, never soft.....

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