Saturday, March 3


ice, snow, rain, sleet, and wind.
the elements, neighbors.
they're conspiring to infiltrate and influence
the woodsly goodness with sauce and sh!t.
and you know i mean weak sauce.
those elemental stormswept natural forces, son....
they're on that busted and brutal action,
and it's definitely redlined at eleven,
glowing with wearing-out and worn-down
and eroded and corroded undersides.
i haven't slept or eaten in a little bitty bit, b!tches.
i'm going full-on viggo mortensen-style.
the road-type gaunt and haunted and that.
without the high and mighty cheekbones, of course.
shovels and spades and waterproof bean boots, y'all.
that's all there is.
that and fog.
obscured or oppressive.
two choices,
one long night,
only hard styles;
never quiet, never soft.....

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