Wednesday, October 31

tricks and treats.

Happy Hallowe'en!!!!
that's right duders,
it's happening.
and as always,
it's dope.
will there be tricks?
i hope so.
are there any treats?
don't be dumb.
check the teleport:
mini-choco-chips are living inside those jauns.
and fancy vanilla bean dusties, too.
little black speckles of hottness, and baby brown blops of freshness
and then all that orange-colored sugar-activated frosting on top.
and then all those expert-A* sprankles.
for realsies, i take my holiday desserts verrrry seriously.
i get it poppin', and i get it going on, because i'm popular and i get it on.
on the ones, though, yo-
it's the last day of october,
and categorically the most rad day, too.
i'm not about to let a spooky sh!t-salad life F* up a damn good thing.
it's Hall-O-flippin'-we'en, ninjas.
bats and black cats and ghouls and goblins and ghosts and mummies and witches
and monsters of all shapes and sizes,
and treats ALL over the sunovab!tchin' place.
it's dope. i said already.
it bears repeating, though,
because it's a big fun batch of dressed-up mess-ups and hard-style make believe.
if you can't hang out,
you are certainly an A*-hole.
it's all really happening. pretending, on purpose, to be something we're not.
because today is the day,
and for just this once,
i get to do what everyone else does all the time.
backhanded pumpkin-slaps, y'all.
i'm on it;
never quiet, never soft.....

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