Thursday, February 28

another goodbye.

february is done, duders.
the shortest and the sh!ttiest one,
over and out tonight.
a year ago,
i was contemplating separation from a spouse,
and a year later,
i'm contemplating on cheap art supplies from inside my empty house.
for realsies, neighbors,
i spent yesterday mostly housebound and down to do something i haven't
had the time, energy, or wherewithal to activate in ages upon ages.
i took a quick inventory of the few pieces of art making material still remaining
inside the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress.
it didn't take long.
and then i picked the suckiest ones to try and make something expert out of.
you know how i do it, when i do it.
i choose the wrench.
every. single. time.
with some furniture touch-up markers, a couple of sharpies,
and an incomplete set of warm grey alcohol-markers,
i got busy slicing and dicing and drawing on some index cards.
that's right.
office supplies are what i'm using, kids.
i made a small somethin'-somethin', for starters.
the destroyer!
(points to shawn hebrank for being a reader and noticing)
four inches, squared, of back-in-the-saddle cut paper
and dictionary definitions torn right out of an old and busted book.
battle-beasts and killed-up bearded barbarian liches an' sh!t.
maybe it was the fumes off of those furniture markers,
or maybe it was listening to red fang all flippin' day long,
but after a light-headed woozy minute or two of rest,
i started those huffing and puffing all over again,
and the images only got more metal, kids.
check the prehistoric dog teleport:
there's some fancy-scissor-work on that smoked paper, son.
yeah, i wrecked some rectangles of cardstock with matches,
for that perfect blend of blotchy-cloak hues.
are those ripped-up wings?
i don't know what it is.
i don't even care, really.
it was in me, and now it's out.
and i feel better as a result.
but what's up with this?
i dunno.
monkey-skeleton mummy monsters?
i guess so.
there's art-making happening over here.
i'm as surprised as you are,
but i'm glad i got a snow day to myself to make it work.
you know i love snow days.
ANYthing can happen.
and the least likely thing did.
march is coming up next, y'all.
lions and lambs and ides and wind.
why is there always F*ing wind?
because we need answers, kids.
that's why;
never quiet, never soft.....

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