Sunday, August 9


baking cookies at 5 a.m.?
i mean,
if i'm not going to be asleep,
i may as well be producing a few dozen tasty circles.
after all,
treats are good for you,
and being expert doesn't happen when you're sleeping.
mostly, i have some of the weirdest nightmares.
they're not just strange dreams...
they always take a turn towards the terrible.
so i'm not just waking up early, 
i'm being startled into red-eyed red alert.
my subconscious is carrying an only semi-sealed sepulcher of haunted headcase space,
and it leaks out when i'm not actively guarding against border-jumping brainwaves
from the buried and bad-for-you deepest and darkests of my sleeping self.
...but when that happens?
oh MAN.
instead of creating reliable sleep cycles,
gaining a restful recharge for my spirit and memory,
or sorting out all the sh!t-salad of each day's dose of doo-doo butter,
i'm just up and at 'em,
crushing so many grains into flour,
and blasting that ovenly love at full force..
i suppose that's turning extra time into something extra excellent.
i sure hope so.
what the F* am i even doing?
i'm eating treats.
for better or worse, i'm working bakers hours before i work tattooers hours.
that's just what's up.
what's on the rack this morning?
that's the stuff that's just so good for you.
check the teleport:
stacks on stacks on stacks, for your face!
ground chocolate, shaved chocolate, and cocoa,
pressed into fresh flats,
and crumbling jussssssst right.
a little creamchee'-laced dark chocoliscous frosting fulfilling filling
for the cohesive central sugary slap of sexxxiness,
and german chocolate icing on top.
are they rich?
no poor person styles ever get allowed up in here.
but, like, are they delectable?
of COURSE they are, stoopidhead.
i'm telling you, neighbors-
all those different chocolates are playing together in superior harmonic resonance.
it's a wavelength that was previously unfelt by the tuning forks i use as eating forks.
this is what the Truth tastes like.
my nights may be fraught with worries i can't restrain when i'm asleep,
and my days may be  packed with perilous pailfuls of painful people,
and the in-betweens are more often than not all for naught....
but there's treats,
and the treats are expert,
and sometimes, that's all it takes to tip the scales.
at least, 
the bathroom scale that registers what a blarpity lazybones i might become.
everything good is created in my kitchen,.
everything else is motivation.
this is the world i live in;
never quiet, never soft.....

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