Thursday, May 19

don't come a-knockin'.

the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress has a new door.
it's the same rad dutch-double top-and-bottom split custom timber door...
now it's olive green:

to ward away all the weak sauce and bad ju-ju;
deflect all the doo-doo buttery dimbulbs and dumb-dumbs;
repel all the rays from evil-eyed stink-winkers and pink-eyed pinky-stinkers;
and allow in only the expert, the excellent, the energetic, the elite,
and the really real ragnarockin' rural righteousness.
that's the way we do it up here:
not all are welcome.
but worthy warrior poets,
berserkers, bearded barbarians,
and polyrhythmic battle-beast bards,
as well as stormswept savage gypsy lovers and fighters,
in minor keys from minor fiefdoms,
majordomos from magnificent manor homes and mansions,
and every last werewolfen wildman from these woodsly goodsly magic mountains
can knock three times and see what happens.
all that, all at once, from now on,
accomplished in one color change.
my ma, many many moons ago, nabbed me that awesome cast-iron faun jauns.
one heavy half goat chappy capricorn satyr, keeping an eye out,
with his mouth full,
at the doorstep of this haunted house.
i love where i live.
specifically the edifice i endure the elements from within.
a house is not a always a home,
but home is usually where the house is.
this one is mine,
and something as simple as a new door color really makes it so much more so.
i am grateful for the place and the time and the space i have here.
i can only hope to continue to improve upon it
as this story unfolds in front of me;
never quiet, never soft.....

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