chick pea flour!
i made a thing,
and i'm really glad i did...
what do you do, when you don't feel like doing anything?
you F* around, and see what happens.
like, art making, and bread baking, and risk taking on every level,
sometimes, at suppertime, you just toss a loose idea into a pot,
and see what shapes up from there.
i wanted cauliflower cakes,
so i made cauliflower cakes.
i mean, i had this idea in my head, neighbors,
and i thought about it on a long car ride,
which led to a short kitchen stint alongside a steamer,
and a skillet,
while the oven provided lovin' to a side of spuds.
i'm serious.
look at what i did:
and it wasn't even hard to do, dudes.
steam two cups of cauliflower until soft.
rinse with cold water (or let cool, if you're smarter, and less hurried)
and mash it up in a medium bowl.
add 1/2 cup chick pea flour;
3 T white flour;
salt and black pepper;
1 1/2 cups finely chopped kale;
1/2 cup minced daiya mozzarella;
a little dash of cayenne;
and some shredded parsley.
mix that into a gloppy mass,
and form up some 3-4 inch patties-
dredge 'em in a mixture of chick pea flour;
organic non-gmo cornstarch;
fire-roasted tomato sprankles;
nutritional yeast, salt, and pepper.
then, fry 'em up!
when they're golden on both sides, and the centers aren't gummy with raw flour,
they're ready.
i used earth balance butterish, and then a re-up with olive oil
to keep 'em crispin' on the skillet.
they're good.
like, tasty and crispy and rich and hearty and almost nutty.
in fact, i'd bet chopped walnuts would rock these into the stratosphere.
no foolin'.
what's up with those roasty toasty potatoes?
don;t be dumb.
that's self-explanatory.
they're good.
and roasted, they're even better.
olive oil, pink salt, and black pepper.
what else do you even need?
a fork, probably.
because they're really hot fresh out of that oven...
chopped into smaller scoopable spearlets,
with slivers of garlic instead of almonds,
and a little oil to sear those suckers up jusssssssst right.
get it.
eat it.
savor the succulence.
i added those cukes and radishes, too.
i mean, otherwise, how would you even know i was vegan, right?
salad is clearly the indicator.
and i'm indicating that without some red on this plate,
i'd have been working with more beige that a desert.
juicy suppers, on the fly, off the cuff, and with lots of flavor and heart.
that's all i need to end each day.
that and a dog walk,
and a car drive, and some exercise,
and maybe a little netflix before bed.
although, i AM reading again, as if i have time for that.
it's good for me, getting off of my phone-
which, i reluctantly admit, has become a problem for my effective time management.
virtual connections with borderline imaginary people
is NOT the best use of my spare minutes.
i could be learning new things, and eating words that'll nourish me,
instead of eating my own words of disdain for mobile devices all those years,
which now i'm guilty of overindulging in.
maybe even more than an average individual, actually.
i'm picking up books, and putting down some paint on the touched-up walls of the new new.
it's all still unfolding along the path that's been preordained.
i'm simply ad-libbing within the lines;
\never quiet, never soft.....
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