yes yes ya'll.
5 de May.
burritos for everybody.
do you even know why we love cinco de mayo so so so much?
(Mexican Independence Day is September 16, A-hole.)
its like the St. Patrick's Day of mexican food here in america.
which means its a made up occasion for celebration designed to sell booze and tacos.
alas, there will be no cuervo, dos equis, corona, or negro modelo.....
the cervezeria is cerrado.
no me gusta los borrachos. yo digo.
seriously, though, 5 mayo comemorates the french legions gettin' rocked,
barbarian-style by the mexican militia...... i can hang with that.
i hit up the woods yesterday for some flavor. it did not disappoint.
wet leaves and baby buds, scritchers and scamperers. we even have wood ducks, now!
ferns are sprouting up from the swamps, & it's pretty excellent.
fuzzy mint green squiggles uncoiling like pleisiosaurs in the water.
there are a lot of wood-ear fungi hanging out, too.
you know i love 'em, they're like barnacles.
these ones remind me of table crackers. y'know, like 'Carr's'?
the ones that you get with some gouda, or brie, or whatever grody cheese and wine at
pretentious art openings or yuppie dinner parties?
...and jellyfish, like when you're at the tank full of 'em at an aquarium.
floatie blobs, like ghosts. i do NOT get tired of looking at weird mushrooms.
years ago, my friend shawn got me a dooooope book about them that i still use.
these guys are called polypores. the light makes 'em look orange underneath.
like carrot-slice shuriken. try that, my ninjas.
the woods, ya'll. secret goodness.
i don't know who lives in here.
definitely somebody. i mean, i would, if i was a wild battle-beast.
for a hot second i thought about poking my head all the way in,
but visions of an apesh!t bananas mama racoon shredding my face off my body stopped me before i started. still, if i ever want rabies,
i know where to go.
a little homework has narrowed the culprits of the battle-royale late-night disturbances;
fisher cats or martens, and turkeys, in a fight-or-flight who's for dinner duke-it-out.
for really real, the flooded river and the late snow cover have brought out the night creepers,
in full force and in flippin' full effect.
on a short walk, i counted seven subtypes of scat. that's a posse of poops, yo.
and i counted them.
doo-doo buttery, perhaps, but still a kaleidoscopic brown.
moss. bryophytes, my ninjas.
to put it in layman's terms, moss makes the magic happen because:
"they pom-poms, b!tch.".
pillows made out of green dopeness, i have to tell you, are pretty flippin' excellent.
just be dope. what else do you need?
1 comment:
" could buy me a burrito and some beans and rice, but that won't get you into pants
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