my kids call walking sticks 'wizard sticks'.
mostly, because i rock one in the woods, and have a beard.
we go on 'wizard walks'.
that's the name for following deer paths in the woods, and collecting weird feathers and sh!t.
and then washing your hands.
salmonella is nobody's best friend. i'm just sayin'.
i've got to tattoo a couple family crests today.
did i mention how i JUST got a pair of books on heraldry?
vanilla. c'mon. in the sky, ya'll.
not that i'll get to use the lion head biting an arm holding a sword stabbing a wolf spitting
out an oak tree. but all the same,
there's leafy stuff on the sides of a shield either way.
i'm sure it'll be one of the ones with lots of checkers and zig-zag charlie brown stripes.
and a helmet with a belt buckle around it.
i am prepared to be blown away by dopeness.
but i am not betting on it.
its an overcast saturday, ya'll.
and, its a 'don't wanna work on or with people who suck on hard full ones, day', too.
HOWEVER, there is no nature fun possible on ominous days,
and i am waaay not rich enough to not work whenever i feel like making art for myself instead.
which means: i would LOVE to crest it up. Latin inscriptions, too? great. no, really. grrrreat.
wu-tang, son.
what else?
nunquam quietis, nunquam mollis.
how's that for a latin inscription?
next friday, jess is gettin' one of THESE!
bootgun battle-bizzle.
what's hotter than hot?
girls with guns and cowgirl hats.
call me shallow.
i'll probably answer.
1 comment:
Can I get one of those too?
"'d think George Lucas would have preferred to call his movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: Don't Get Your Hopes Up."
"When you do a movie like this, a sequel that's very, very anticipated, people anticipate ultimately that it's going to be the Second Coming," Lucas says. "And it's not. It's just a movie. Just like the other movies. You probably have fond memories of the other movies. But if you went back and looked at them, they might not hold up the same way your memory holds up."
I heard that George Lucas is a hand biter to the max. He also likes low expectations.
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