i always use vanilla in 'em...
so they taste like panCAKES,
not panbread.
broccoli bread!
me and the kids, and some broccoli.
all at once.
wheat gluten, ya'll,
prevented what appeared to be the makin' of an epic bread-bleeding blowout.
only a miniscule portion of the florets poped out, and even then,
only along the seams,
structural integrity, son.
i'm sayin'....
crisis averted.
cinnamon buns!!!
i got up at 6:30a.m. to scoople these bizzles up,
so holly could have some before headin' home...
i'm secretly nice.
don't tell anyone.
oh MAN!!
i love vegan food.
so hard.
we keep it real,
with a fake tree though.
the glorious giddy girlie-girls decorated par excellence,
as usual.
this year, my ninjas,
i'm not celebrating any Noel crapola,
i'm doin' it louder, and prouder,
forget X-mas,
i'm reppin' XI-mas....
word the f* up;
never quiet, never soft.....
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