lounging on the walk-out rooftop!
for serious day off maximization,
a sunbathing skin-soak of nutrients synthesizing
from the light of the sky is the best way to get it poppin'.
if you've got a rooftop deck, and the sun is out,
and you aren't up there letting your outer shell assimilate some
righteous radiation......
i think you're probably F*ing up.
that's a thing.
i have plenty to do every minute of every hour of every day.
i mean,
i DID plant a bunch of perennials,
and discover a chipmunk nest in a stump,
and birdwatch for a bit, too.
i ALSO made time to go gently into some slow motion-
because i know there aren't overabundant opportunities to do that.
the only problem is that the deck is so dang hard.
i've got sore spots all over the place from my skinny self
bumping bones against boards!
i took a beating while i took it easy.
i made sure beforehand i got my smoothie game activated.
what's sun without cool and frosty jauns for your face?
it's weak, that's what.
and i can't hang out with diaperbaby relaxation.
when i'm taking it easy,
i do it as hard as i can.
check the teleport:
virginia coladas!
that's when you know it's getting serious-
i bust out the virgin icy beach beverages!
it's never alright to relax like a little b!tch-A* baby,
but it is okay not to drink.
brain freeze aside,
a tropical fruit explosion in my mouth was exactly what i was craving.
it made the bees jealous as they pollinated the first few flowers in the garden.
and the new plant babies seem super happy in their new sunny spots, too.
this past winter did more damage than i initially noticed,
but as the leaves unfurl and the shoots sprout up,
there are fewer repeat performances, and farther between 'em at that.
we're fillin' in the blanks,
pot by pot, parcel and plot,
until the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress is restored to it's well-deserved
grass-rooted glorious gardeny hottness.
no jokes.
the vitamins are saturating the whole place,
the growing is underway,
and the undergrowth is catching up to the overlain vinework, as well.
it's all really happening,
and for a change,
i'm on the same team as nature.
looks like i'll get a check in the assisted-win column.
unless i've just spoken too soon-
plot twists abound, kids;
never quiet, never soft.....
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