Thursday, June 2


you guys know what's poppin' when ive got company,
and it's morning,
and there's hungry bellies for sleepyheads all throughout
the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress...
that's right.
the patented ace numero uno excellence of pan-style cakes!
check the teleport:

as usual,
the pannie man CAN,
and he definitely did!
sweet vanilla oatmeal coconut jauns,
custom blended in proprietary small batches,
just like nobody else used to make.
damn, duders, these ones were really fluffed up and thick.
vegan sour cream, of course!
the acidic activation goes great with hot pans, rising agents
and lubed aluminum forms for shaping 'em up.
that, coupled with exxxtra-pats of melted butterish,
and holy crapola,
the future is right now,
and it's heart-shaped and delicious.
make some pancakes, kids.
i mean,
you can always tell everyone that awesome story
about how you prefer waffles or whatever,
but for goodness' sake,
don't sleep on the griddlers.
coconut, ground up,rolled oats treated the same, a pinch of sugar,
a generous splash of vanilla, and you've taken your flatjacks and flapped 'em
in the face of weak breakfast,
taking a whole new dietary realm by storm.
word up.
and not for nothin',
but i didn't stop there....
no way.
too much is the right amount-
so i brewed up some blueberry compote, exxxtra sticky,
with lots of lemon zest, and tapioca to thicken it up.
it's so expert, i'm not even a little embarrassed to brag about.
panniecakes aren't an exact science, however,
so documentation of ingredients isn't as important as you'd imagine.
unless you imagined a free-form last-airbender cyclone of magic
and elemental overlapping between spirit and memory......
in that case, you were spot on.
do the math:
1 buttery pan + 1 cup of 1/2'd pecans + 2 teaspoons of vanilla
x .5 cup powdered sugar +1/4 tsp cinnamon + 1 pinch nutmeg = eleven!
thats the stuff
i got the ghetto pralines, or candied nutsos, or tasty sprankles.
go ahead and call 'em whatcha wanna,
but they made my pancakes much better,
and that was a tall order,
as those lumberjackin' jammies were already the best thing going.
y'gotta go hard if you're showing friends from away
just how fresh how the woodsly goodness gets down with the hottness,
so kaPOWdered sug dustin' was obligatory,
and all of that epic edible early morning majesty was fully and 100% activated
with the true hero of the day-
real mutha-effing tree-tapped new england maple syrup.
beleieve it.
...anything else is just b!tch-sap.
pancakes let you know you're going to have a great day.
pretty sure that's a thing.
today is the day,
and there are tiny cubed potatoes roasting as i type.
i dunno yet,
could be hash, could be homeboy fries,
could just be a big idea that'll hit me when the time is right.
i'm not worried,
i'm excited.
two dope dinners with two great people,
plus the always illicit and explicit ampy d,
and the rambunctious ragnarockin' rolling thunder of our terrible terrier.
it's been a full house for a few,
and now,
after all the interactive participation,
michael and kim are already about to be outtie,
and we've got one last feast to battle-beast into our bellyholes before they bounce.
i am grateful for my few 25+ year friends.
i mean,
it's been so good to see him,
and finally meet his sweetheart,
and have some laughs,
and eat some food,
and then eat some more food,
and then do that all over again.
it's all really happening-
we're not changing the world, but we ARE improving our immediate area.
site-specific super-elite extended family togetherness is now back on the map;
never quiet, never soft.....

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