Sunday, June 26

this guy.

reaching maturity is supposedly a good thing.
....unless you're a dog.
it's a chance to reassert your role in the family,
generally disregard the commands of your people,
do some pretty weird wienery things,
and really turn up the activation level on the energy meter.
i thought crabtree was a shark-bullet cannonball juggernaut
back when he was just a little baby butthead...
he's a big gun howitzer of terrible terrier tension,
with shockwaves of awesome rolling off of his rippling muscles.
what i'm sayin' is:
he's got more juice than i've got fresh-squeezes, man.
at 10 months old, he's still just a little fella-
but he's got the big action, the big appetite,
and the big attitude of a werewolfen battle-beast from the battlements
of a war-torn castle in the lands of doggish destruction!!!
i thought getting a dog was a good idea.
turns out, i'm reallllly dumb.
check the teleport:

i DO love his stooopid face,
and the few minutes of laziness and langour as he lies down
in between bursts of explosive energy are very endearing.
and we're buddies, no matter what;
but the ratio of being-cool-to-karate is skewed far far more towards
the giving and receiving of karate-type chops and chomps
than any semblance of being cool could possibly put a dent in.
we are the same, even though we're not,
and samesies face the day the same way-
especially we warriors of woodsly goodness-
it's an unsubtle struggle, up here, for circumstances to play to out
in accordance with our preferences.
he'd prefer to eat our things,
i'd prefer he sleep twenty hours a day.
somewhere in between, every day unfolds.
i miss him, genuinely, while i'm at work.
i can't wait to get away from him before i go.
our styles are hard ones, but they're real ones.
that's how it goes, i s'pose.
adding MORE to the list,
finding time where there is none,
making the most of recalcitrant bull terrier temperament,
trying temerity of temper in trying situations-
it's ALL really happening,
and i'm pressed in on three sides,
so i'm flowing with the go-go in the only direction left;
never quiet, never soft.....

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