Sunday, July 21


fresh picked wild new hampshire low bush blueberries,
courtesy of travis.
that's what i heaped in the heart of my tart.
i had the 5 am hot fire oven lovin' heatin' the kitchen up before the
rest of the day caught up to me and cooked the atmosphere into a
humid asthma attackin' airborne soup-consistency of breathable semi-liquid.
it was hot and wet and hard to endure the not-so-great outdoors yesterday.
the rustic crispy crust of a galette helped to make it bearable, though.
that's real. check it:

that means melted dark chocolate was spread out as the base of the thing.
blueberries and dark chocolate.
i added a splash of vanilla, and a squirt of non-dairy milk, too.
i like it smooth and creamier.
that makes it better.
the bloobs were tossed in powdery sugar, and mounded in the middle,
before folding up the dough and adding those braids.
i baked it at 410℉ for thirty minutes,
and the berries burst, the chocolate bubbled, and the whole thing really came together.
you want the dough recipe?
here it is:
in your food processor, combine:
2 cups king arthur all purpose flour;
1/2 tsp salt;
1 tsp vanilla;
1/4 cup sugar;
1 stick + 2 T vegan butter- (10 T);
2 T vegan creamchee';
3-4 T non-dairy milk.
pulse it up until it's sticky and crumbly and holds form when pinched.
you don't want it mushy, it should be like pebbly sand.
wrap that in plastic and let it rest at least an hour, or overnight is even better.
i like a nice pastry.
i like it a LOT, really.
and when the bakin' goes well, it's a victory for my face.
there's not much else to say.
a little effort, and some free fruit, and i'm over here eating like a king;
never quiet, never soft.....

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