Wednesday, July 17


work, connecticut, home,
work, sleepover, birthday party, work,
birthdays, work, and now, a bike on a trainer in the living room.
what now?
i've been busy as heck, and racing around new england
spanning time with so many loved ones.
that's real.
i was in connecticut for maple's graduation party,
i was in concord for embry's trampoline party.
i had a car full of seven year olds,
i had crabtree with me just about all the time,
i worked every other minute in between these journeys.
it's summer.
in summer you do important things all day every day until you fall asleep.
and if you get up early enough, that's a long day every day.
i spent just about twenty hours in the car over the weekend.
i feel it.
plus, AMPERSAND TATTOO has me packed tight with appointments
so when i'm not home, i'm going full steam ahead until dark.
if it's light out, i'm doing something.
for example, after leaving connecticut at 6:30 a.m.
and arriving in new hampshire at 11,
but before my big tattoo appointment at 1pm,
i ate 24 silver dollar pancakes on sunday.
i did.
because i make questionable decisions, neighbors.
twenty four is too many.
which would've been great, except i also had vanilla coconut non-dairy ice cream,
and coconut whipped cream,
and real new hampshire maple syrup.
too much is the right amount, man.

a stack of 3-4" pannieflappin' jacks.
just mounded mountains of coconut and oats and pat after pat of vegan butter.
i overloaded my whole face and body with these delicious bad boys,
then went to work,
then took my fiery female companion and alllll those kids out for pizza.
there's a lot of pressure on food these days.
i dunno.
this is really just a catch-up post.
where've i been?
everywhere and nowhere,
and not nearly asleep enough to wake up refreshed.
but, pancakes help for sure;
never quiet, never soft.....

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