Friday, June 29


if i was smarter, i'd have made something with strawberries.
ah, yesterday, man.
if i had had more insight into what the eff was going on,
i'd have made a more site-specific situationally-appropriate somethin'
to go along with the wild werewolfen silver circle in the sky.
it was a very full F*ing moon, and in june, that's called the strawberry moon.
so strawberry pie or some sh!t would've been the power move...
get it?
except, i was deep in the throes of lunar lunacy,
and wholly immersed in the blue light of those stone-satellite laserbeams
reflected through the cloudcover right into my freshly-shorn and terminally terrible head.
if i was a berserker barbarian bandit king, this would've been the night that i started
throwing powderkegs into the fire as casually as if they were ex-girlfirends' sweaters.
what i mean is: i can feel it pulsing like quicksilver thunderclaps
in time with my heartbeat, but i assumed it was exhaustion,
and not ley-line luminescence from the firmament's night-light beacon.
i couldn't see the sky for all the clouds.
ANYway, i didn't make any strawberry anything-
but i did still make somethin'.
i mean, c'mon.
i didn't have any treats over at AMPERSAND TATTOO,
and that's not allowed.
so i made a cake.
check it out:

ALL THE sprankles!!
it's just a cake, man,
but it's never just a cake, is it?
it's a celebration of effort,
a fulfillment of expectation,
a product of intent.
and also, it's so damned delicious.
the cake recipe?
it's pretty much the same one.
preheat your oven to 350℉
grease a 9" springform pan.
in a medium metal mixing bowl (or less sexxxy ceramic jaun, or whatever) cream:
1 stick (8T) vegan butter;
>1 cup organic sugar;
1/2 tsp salt;
2 tsp vanilla.
thoroughly combine all that, and stir in:
2/3 cup non-dairy yogurt.
mix well, and add:
1 cup non-dairy milk.
stir that up, so that you've got a sloppy sweet soup,
and finally fold in:
2 1/2 cups flour;
1 tsp ea bakey powder and soda.
spoon the batter into the pan, (duh) and bake it for 35-40 minutes,
or until the center is done, and a tester comes away clean.
that's great. cool it on a wire rack after letting it sit for a bit, etc etc etc....
the frosting is the superstar here, however-
2 cups powdered sugar;
4 T vegan butts;
1 T ground raw cacao butter;
2 tsp vanilla;
1/4 cup non-dairy milk.
whipped into a wild frenzy, and aerated to eleven,
before being lathered across the top of the completely-cooled cake.
THAT'S some not-so-secret new hottness, man.
and of course, those summery super-rainbow nonpareil spranks.
it may not be strawberry themed, but it sure as heck doesn't suck.
i love cake, a LOT.
my dudes, ian and dylan, do too.
they tuned up more than half of it,
and i was grateful for their help, appreciation and participation.
that's F*ing teamwork, neighbors, and that's good stuff.
you'd think for all the bestial anthropomorphism of werewolfen warrior poetry,
i'd have less of a mangy appearance in my day-to-day life.
...but you'd be wrong.
my hair is getting shorter as it gets sparser.
i think that's the eventual inevitable decline of youth at work.
i don't like it, but i'm done fighting it.
there are no erosion management techniques that stop the war of attrition
i've waged for the last five years.
it's not at the shaved-head stage yet, but it's NOT good.
i'm gonna have to get a whole lot funnier, or at least, broaden my sense of humor,
to compensate for the skyrocketing decline in adequate good-looks i'm reppin'.
is that shallow? insecure? irrelevant?
man, i dunno...
but i have a mirror, and an opinion, so maybe just let me complain for a little minute.
thank you.
so, today is another day.
full of magic, strife, and skill,
iron and fire,
blood and lightning,
love and rhetoric,
silver and light,
ghosts and darkness....
that's pretty cool, isn't it?
and every day is just like that, too.
that's the best part:
it's ALL really happening.
that's the whole point;
never quiet, never soft.....

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