Monday, October 21


harvest skye is nineteen years old today.

i have a nineteen year old person i helped make.
and every day since she showed up,
there's been a LOT of strong opinions.
hers most of all.
she's usually the fist to make her opinion known,
and to give a verrrrrry confident voice to what she feels and believes.
i respect that.
even when we're not on the same page, she's writing her own story,
so that's okay with me.
we spanned time in northampton, massachusetts yesterday,
drinking boba,
eating dumplings and noodles (and falafel),
opening presents,
going shopping,
snacking on berfday-specific cupcakes,
and generally enjoying each others' company.
also, she almost threw up, and i was there to try and capture the moment.

she survived without regurgitation, so i guess that's another 'nother berfday present,
from her own body.
and we all (her ma and her stepdad and i) went back to umass
for a little iphone set-up meltdown and a singsong and present opening thing.
y'know- like how you do.

rules is rules.
and everybody had fun, and almost everybody, including he roommate
was sick,
so there are enough germs in my body right now to kill off a continent.
but that's cool, too.
who wouldn't want to get sick on their berfday?
we all missed her sister, but a facetime get-together helped us all out with that.
shoutouts to technological reunions from all over.
she's motivated, and determined, and driven, and she's making plans
and implementing plans and being a forward thinking momentum-gatherer,
as well as a total GIRL to the 11th level.
she's one of those people who says "that's funny" instead of laughing.
100% girl.
so happy nineteenth.
i'm grateful every day for who you are,.
and for being the first true little lovey dovey itty bitty baby i ever learned to care about.
you paved the way for all good things to come,
and you'll always the first big tears of joy i ever shed;
never quiet, never soft.....

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