Friday, September 29


i'm almost always doing a lot of things, off the cuff.
i should probably think thrice, because twice doesn't seem to be enough thoughts.
and that's after disregarding my first instincts as completely and inexcusably
runaway trainwreckx-n-effects...
i caught myself several ties yesterday with a  mouthful of shoeleather,
and a tongue tasting like toenails, after a fashion.
self-inflicted sole-sampling is what happens when i'm multitasking more things
than my editorial mind can manage;
and that's when i say the things that spark the fires
that jailbreak ALL the werewolfen warrior spirits and memories
from the carefully crafted cages they're normally contained within.
too much IS the right amount,
IF you're ready for what comes down the pipeline
after an overdose of distracted action and reaction floods the system with infinite nature
instead of conscious consideration....
do you get what i've got going on?
when i've got a lot to do, and it's overloading my attention,
the original recipe for really-realness erupts,
takes over,
and that bigmouthed big-timing blowhard from deep inside
gets roused, and rises to the surface of the hot-fire-spit sound system.
i get overwhelmed, then i get distracted,
and the default d!ckbaggery that has been my defense mechanism for decades
kicks in to save and ruin) the day...
it's sort of mr. toad's wild ride meets the cain marko, the mutha-effin' juggernaut.
oh.....well, the nerds know, so i guess that's who i'm talking to.
y'just sort of barrel-A* into every allegorical china shop,
and then praise anything that stands up to the impact.
that's my home life.
that's my work life.
that's my everyday dogwalking disasterpiece theater of war and love.
it's tiring.
and honestly, when every day is a bareknuckle bullfight throughout all available hours
of interactive human contact,
you truly do need some sort of sugary sustenance to support the effort rewuired
to endure long days and hard styles and people who come to your place of business
expecting to have your undivided attention at their command.
(good luck)
i made a batch of really deep, rich, dense, fresh af chocolate hottness for my face,
and i'm glad i did, because that sweet sweet dark brown dopeness reined in all
the sharp-tongued sh!t that seemed to seethe on the brink of exxxplosion.
check the teleport:

that took a while to get where it needed to didn't it?
sometimes i have more to say than just giving out recipes you don't use, dudes.
melted butter in warm non-dairy milk was a key element in these.
that's how the gummy batter becomes fudgy brownies.
here's how you can make your own:
preheat your oven to 360℉
in your stand mixer, whisk together:
2 1/2 cups flour;
3/4 tsp salt;
1 cup brown sugar;
1/4 cup organic raw sugar;
2/3 cups cocoa;
1/3 cup chocolate chips;
1 tsp baking powder;
1 tsp baking soda;
1/4 cup tapioca;
on your stove top, over medium-low heat,
melt up 1 stick (8 T) of non-dairy vegan magical butterish,
in 1 cup non-dairy milk,
with 2 tsp vanilla.
add the wet to the dry, and whip it into the sticky, tacky, thickness
you've always known and loved.
i put mine in big bloxxx, but a regular-A* pan is just as good.
grease it, and bake it for about 25 minutes.
the good news about brownies is that the less you bake them, the better they are.
just don't overbake 'em,
or you might be kind of a jerk, with bad brownies, to boot.
the ganache scene was gnarly-
so let it suffice to say: the smash-lace on top was a stop-gap measure,
althouh the sea salt was a great idea.
salty chocolate tastes even more like chocolate,
and that's really good news.
that counts as sprankles, and we all know how i feel about that.
wordimus prime, neighbors.
today is the day.
just like every day,
also, kind of a little bit more so  than usual.
i've got good clients,
an above-average night's sleep,
and the weather is finally sort of fallish.
those are ingredients for making some savage stormswept raging gypsy magic happen,
and i'm just the sort of woodsly sorceror to summon up the ghost circles
and smoke rings that'll see us through.
it's all really happening,
and that's the whole point;
never quiet, never soft.....

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