Wednesday, May 2


i still had half of this dough,
so i used it to make something good.
twenty minutes in a 400 degree oven had me in the sweet spot for sweet stuff,
and i ended up with this:

damn, dudes.
i was so surprised, and in the best way.
that's a handful of mini vegan chocolate chips,
and a square of bakers chocolate, shaved over 'em,
with 1/3 cup of fresh ground unsweetened coconut flake flour
and vegan white chocolate, smashed into bits,
and covered in a cup of frozen raspberries.
HOW the eff can something with such an easy assembly be so astoundingly tasty?
i don't know!
but, it was.
so much so that i was a big fat pig-out boar-barian hog of a human,
and i stuffed every last morsel into my mouth.
i did.
and i'm not sorry.
you eat breakfast your way, i'll just eat a whole tart instead.
like crazy.
in the most compassionate and humane manner possible.
as if my whole life had led up to that moment, man.
when it's light and bright outside in the warmer times,
i walk my terrible terrorist terrier, crabtree,
through the quaint village pathways of north conway.
he likes it.... a lot.
and i like how he behaves afterwards.
so many smells to smell, so many things to urinate on,
and even he enjoys himself while we're there too.
he's tired, which aids his inclination to obedient behavior,
and i exercise a bit of dinner off my bellyline,
and together we span time building a bond.
it seems so easy, and it's such an effective use of an hour-
i just wonder why i have such a hard time when it comes to humans...
it could be the absence of a leash?
man, i'm kidding. take it easy.
i enjoy my boy,
and if he enjoys me, as well,
or just the walk in the aromatic neighborhoods of a more populated place,
i may never know,
but i'm grateful that we're going places together.
i need it, he needs it, and we relate to each other better for the effort.
if y'can't be bothered investing time into the thing,
don't do the thing.
because being sh!tty at something is of no use to anyone,
and i can't hang out with that.
me and my dog.
my dog and i.
two weird lookin' wild boys walkin' around the woodsly goodness,
keeping each other company.
MAY DAY may be maypoles and ribbons, beltane bonfires,
druid fluids, and whatever else in other places-
but up here, it was only me and my little dude, walking along deserted streets,
smelling the evening air, and flipping our flops across the green expanses of
common space in the place we call home.
of course
we can't say for sure he wouldn't have preferred something else,
but when you're only gonna get what you get,
there's no point in getting upset;
never quiet, never soft.....

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