Saturday, August 4


i got it poppin' like i knew i would-
stir fry? i doo-doo that.
crissssspy tofu? i sure as sh!t do that!
crawnchy veggies? F* yeah!
charred cabbage and carrots and onions and spicy SAUCE??
when you have the expert stir fry skills, y'gotta use 'em-
and i use 'em with great efficacy.
i really do-
look at what i'm talking about, bro:
that's y'boi at work.
i know, noodles aren't the sexxxiest thing-
but when you add all the exxxtra hottness to 'em,
you really get the activation raised up and over the topmost notch-
and when the SAUCE goes to eleven,
the rest follows suit immediately.
3 T wheat-free soy sauce;
3 T rice wine vinegar;
1 1/2 tsp skin-on minced organic ginger;
1/2 tsp GPOP;
33 craxxx of black pepper;
1 tsp sesame oil;
3 T mae ploy sweet chili magic;
1/2 tsp ground coriander seed;
1 T ho'sauce;
1/2 lime's juice.
^^the sauce is always sorta similar.
this one was especially wet, which made the veggies steam especially well-
i had 1 T raw coconut oil sizzlin',
to which i added four wedges of cabbage, to char up and get good and brown on one side-
flipped 'em, and added:
1 ea bias-cut orange and yellow carrots;
1/2 sweet onion, in chunks;
1/4 small red onion, in strips;
1/2 variegated sweet red/yellow stripey pepper, diced;
1 cup broccoli florets;
1/4 cup slivered broccoli stems;
and all that sauce-
covered with a lid, and allowed to get good and syrupy, 
all that stuff is flippin' tight and TILTY and tasty as hell.
then there's the coolwater crawnchy jauns-
broccoli sprouts;
pea shoots;
so many cucumbers;
red and green lettuce;
purple cabbage;
radishes for days.....
y'cant have it be exxxcessively sexxxy unless there's excessive excellence everywhere.
that's a thing.
as are all the sprankles.
rules is rules
and by that i mean, too much is the right amount.
especially when it comes to the spranks.
we got two-tone sossamon sesame seeds.
and scallions.
and garden fresh basil.
and cilantro leaves, dude.
aaaaand jalapeno rings, 
which happened to be the spiciest jally in history.
like, no joke.
runny nose and hiccups and everything- and i'm no spice wimp, bud. 
so trust me when i say this little green A*-hole was out for blood
that's right.
ALL of 'em.
that's how you do it to it when you're doing it like you're s'posed to.
......and then you hit it with a lime wedge, or two, 
and really blow the doors off that b!tch.
yesterday was weak af at work.
cancellations are no bueno.
luckily, i kept this year's resolute directives,
which included keepin' my composure, 
and keepin' that P.M.A. all damned day.
i also did a couple-two-three lil paintings to span the gaps.
i allllso ate an acre of kettle corn.
turns out, i'm only ever any good when i'm too busy to think-
otherwise, i'm just  F*ing around until dinnertime.
then it's all good because i'm getting expert where it counts.
and not that anybody is keeping score,
but i'm steadily making the suppertime sorcery a supreme success.
after all, i have to eat, so i might as well make it worth it.
there's rain for days scheduled to spoil vacation for all the out-of-staters 
who've been spoiling each and every roadway in the woodsly goodness for months.
that means that we're facing bored bummers who all want immediate satisfaction all day-
that'll be lovely, especially when the phone rings OFF the HOOK,
asking about piercings,
which, for the record, we STILL don't do-
why not?
because we're grown-ups who care about art a LOT,
and that's a full-time focus, without having to deal with distracting teens, 
their parents, and their navels.
not once, and not ever.
shoutouts to saying no way all day,
in the rain,
on little to no sleep.
it's all really happening, and while that's the whole point, always,
it's going to get a little old today, i'm sure.
getting old is what i do best, though, so it's still alright;
never quiet, never soft.....

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