Thursday, May 23

30 DAYS!

today is the day.
that sweet little baby girl, lilli vanilli, is one month old today.

holy sh!t, that's too fast.
she's big.
she's alert and inquisitive.
she's vocal.
she's hungry.
and she's kyooooot!!
if it wasn't for the incredible nurturing nuances of her mama, breezy,
who knows what sort of average infant she'd be?
no jokes.
while it's very possible that nature wins in the long run...
right now the regimen and routine and the care and the attention she receives
has created a perfect small baby.
a freakin' month, man.
that's crazy!
and her eyes are takin' in ALL the info,
and she's got miles of smiles for her mama,
and about a billion "gentle" head pats from her sisters and brother.
y'know about them?
my pizza partners?
they're the pepper prince and princesses,
they're cheese chiefs,
they're crusty little youngin's,
and they all form a voltron of adorable affection.
and after they're off to bed?
it makes me miss the holy livin' hell outta harvest and maple.
that's the truth.
big kids are busy doing big kid stuff.
heck, they're not even really kids anymore.
and i miss that, too.
harvest is gearing up to go back to europe, again.
maple just got a one-act drama scholarship and an honor roll medal.

i mean,
i'm over here stretchin' pizza,
and lettin' my homie cohen be the sauce boss,
and meanwhile those grown-A* girls are making plans for their futures.
that's a timeline that really spans across decades of interactive participation.
i'm spanning time pushing a swing, throwing a ball, and monitoring the trampoline.
lilli keeps busy under her noisy light-flashy playmaker thingy.
and that whole time,
i've got a daughter at work,
and a daughter about to graduate, too.
i have so many feelings, neighbors.
SO many.
i've sorta stopped eating them, at least.
and only sorta. i'm just managing the meal plan a little better.
or, i'm eating twice as much as i need to,
but only one eighth as much as my feelings would prefer.
is that progress?
i'm not sure;
never quiet, never soft.....

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