Sunday, December 21

putting the win in winter

happy winter, neighbors.
that's it.
today is the day,
and the ley lines and solar revolutions and back-bent far-reaching lean
of the earth and the stars and the moon and that,
and the deepening darkening days have all converged at a nadir,
on the assigned and designated day, to complete a cycle of birth, life, and death.
that's what's happening around us right now, above the equator,
facing forward, and headed north.
believe it.
the winter solstice,
the whole thing,
right in front of your face,
shortening those sightlines by removing the sunlight,
and the creating some semblance of sameness with sparks and fires an' sh!t.
y'know what i mean?
it's real, and it's definitely a good thing.
from here on out,
things get brighter,
in infintessimally incremental units of luminescence,
but eventually....
i think we all are well aware of how long it takes to get to the opposing side
of the darkness.
light purple flower buds.
like, the plant that invented the color lavender?
i'm 'bout it, guys-
just go ahead and check the teleport:
i GOT they.
because i'm thinking it'll be so expert in a scone.
what's that, now?
that's cake.
i baked a little bit of cake already this morning.
i mean,
there's a big deal big berfday coming right up tomorrow,
and i'm not gonna miss out on celebrating,
because some indifferent box-mix b!tchbaggery is standard issue
among the less-capable and inactive audiences that compose
the ancestry my peoples are descended from.
y'feel me?
active participation means being involved,
and bringing the big action with me in a cakey case,
down to the waterbaby butthole of new england.
word up.
i come bearing gifts,
and i come bearing arms.
my sincere hope is that with the aid and assistance of both,
i'll bear the time spanned with poise.
of course,
berserker barbarian battle beastly scourge-and-flail fury will do just as nicely.
it's infinite nature,
versus infinite focus,
versus indefatigable just-be-dopeness.
i'm taking all three traits to eleven all day every day,
so really,
it's a contest i can't lose,
and that's no joke.
i'm winning at winter outright at the onset;
never quiet, never soft.....

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