Friday, December 26


and when X-mas is done,
and we're back where we belong,
in the north,
nestled in amongst the mountains,
tucked between the trees,
waking up to the wind howling along the hills and hollows
of the woodsly goodness........
that's when it really gets good, guys.
what's one better than X-mas?
you'd better F*ing believe it-
the most expert time of the year.
that's right, neighbors...
the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress was waiting for us,
quietly weathering the weather,
and sheltering all the best parts from the elements,
until we got here and got ourselves ready for all the big action, big fun,
and the epic unwrapping we look forward to all year.
so now that me and my girls are all inside,
and relatively warm,
and ready for anything,
it's time to get molto-activated and put our picture-perfect
second 'mas morning into full effect.
check the properly-placed-and-superbly-stacked-type teleport:
i mean, C'MON.
i love this part.
in the dark, before dawn,
with all the lights glowing warm-
all the stuff, all ready, all rad,
and all under the baller-A* boughs on that luxurious mantle.
i am just so grateful for the time i have been given with these two young ladies.
i appreciate who they are, what they're about,
and how they interact with me and the larger waiting world around us.
it's pretty flippin' great.
and the effort they make to be better and better?
it makes me try harder and harder to, too.
it's synergy,
and it makes my XI-mastime go to eleven, for sure.
the resultant stacks on stacks on stacks are definitely lookin' really expert.
for serious:
that's our thing,
and that's the way it is.
the kids deserve big fun, and big treats,
because that's the appreciation i'd like to show to them,
for being genuinely awesome individuals whenever we're together..
in the spirit of gratitude, and in the greater spirit of generosity,
i do what i can for 'em when i can.
and this is one of those times.
it's all really happening,
and that's the whole point.
XI-mas morning, afternoon, and night.
we span time,
we make moves.
we're participating in a party only three people are invited to,
and we're enjoying the elite exclusivity of our private Folk Life.
today is the day,
and it's one helluva day at that;
never quiet, never soft.....

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