Saturday, April 26


i'll bet if i rake up all the compacted and composted
overwintered awfulness that was pressed into the soil
of the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress a little bit at a time,
the odious chore of polishing up the post-plow meltdown
will still all get done,
but i won't be so furious when i'm doing it.
as last year's decent weather died off and became wintertime,
i raked and raked and used a hurricane-canister leaf-blower,
and i pushed and pulled and mowed and mulched,
but every oak tree in the woodsly goodness still waited
until the rainiest week to drop their heavy burden on my garden.
...and then it snowed.
a lot.
and often.
y'all ever wait too long, trying to stay dry,
and end up missing out on the only time you had available
to do something that is equally terrible during rain or shine?
i'm working on repairing that angle these days.
the thing of it is,
getting under the icy tundra to get rid of autumn's evidence
wasn't gonna happen at all until this thawed out springtime season.
i've already pulled out the big pieces of broken branches
and started tossing aside the downed limbs.
i'll tell you what, neighbors-
this winter was a real mutha-F*er.
i've still got snow in places,
and my little tiny sweet happy green shoots and buds and bulbs
are all wishing the way was clear for their highly-anticipated return.
i love this Fortress.
it feels the most like home of anywhere i've ever lived,
which kind of makes sense, really-
it's old and busted, it's big and interesting, it's so dope,
and it's almost even doper but for a few missing ingredients....
i thought for sure it was pets,
and not houses,
that supposedly ended up resembling their owners.
at any rate,
the grounds are unkempt,
but not for long.
every night there's gonna be a fire,
and the fuel is gonna be all this sh!t-salad brownleaf detritus,
until it's all used up, burnt away,
and the beds are raised up for nature's inevitable victory.
i mean,
that's pretty expert, isn't it?
yard work pays in greens and golds,
and later on, with rain arriving at more appropriate times,
matures into that kaleidoscope of hottness i look forward to.
my flowers and vines and bushes and trees
are gonna get all the attention they merit,
so that this summer sees a new bounty of brighter bigger better bits.
i need that.
i like snapping turtles a whole bunch:
they've got the burden of a burly busted up house on their backs, too.
and they're just as grumpy about it most of the time.
kindred spirits are what's up;
never quiet, never soft.....

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