Tuesday, April 29

brown and beige go out together.

hey duders,
i just can't stop putting chocolate and peanut butter together.
all i ever want to taste in my mouth is both of those things at once.
and sure,
i do it often,
but i still feel like i could do it even more.
and i usually do, too.
and each and every time, it gets a bit better,
because if you aren't getting more rad with experience,
what are you doing, besides doing it wrong?
so this time,
it's stacks on stacks of brown on beige and so on,
with some of the best whipped peanut buttery sweet hottness
i've ever freestyled with my stand mixer.
i mean it.
check the triple-decker-type teleport:
that's what i'm all about right now.
i don't know how it happened,
but my imprecise estimated ingredient amounts created the evocation
of old time non-vegan reese's pieces candies.
that's for realsies.
at least,
twenty years later,
that frosty cream tastes exactly like my hazy memory of the stuff.
in vegan approximation terms means it's totally expert.
triple stacks of big burly barbarian brownie?
you betcha.
just because i got a new square-style muffin pan,
which makes for brownie edges on all sides;
and i'm pretty handy with a knife,
so more cuts is no big deal;
and two slices deep makes for twice as much filling,
and that's always a good idea.
what are those thick ropes of delicious cocoa ganache doing on top?
they're doing whatever the F* they want to,
which happens to be adding a whole extra tier of taste to those jauns.
and what would overindulgence be without a goobieblop
of even MORE peanutty super-hottness?
it'd be weak waterbabyish doo-doo butter, that's what.
and we all know we aren't going to let that happen...
so more of it had to get activated.
obvi. otherwise, it'd only be a perfect ten,
and that's nowhere near enough.
it goes to eleven, because it has to.
and cake is dope.
and chocolate is good for you.
and peanut butter is expert.
that means it's triple decker triple threat treat magic for your face.
and that's the way it has to be.
i wish i knew what i added into that frosting,
because this stuff is the business.
i guess temporary transitive woodsly goodsly fleeting delights
will have to be enjoyed a little bit harder than usual,
to make up for the possibility of impossible future re-creation.
i think i like that even more.
this is it.
and that's that.
of course it is;
never quiet, never soft.....

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