Saturday, May 31


here ya go, ya'll.
twin horned goat-king.
you can tell he's a king because he has a stone-tablet helmet slab on,
with the runic alphabet written across the front.
futhark. that's what it's called.
like alphabet is abbreviated format for alpha, beta, gamma, etc.
check out the double twistie, curled moustache crimes.
they're in honor of the cucch's awfully awesome face-caterpillar.
this guy is 4.5"x6.5", the usual set-up.
and he is yelling out a song.
in hot fiery half-notes. and double-bass berserker heavy-metal mayhem.
he also has three gingko leaves that swirl around him all the time.
he's just standing around, being dope, not givin' a flyin' one, yo.
word up.
buy him.
email me for the details.
(i'll be holdin' my breath....)

so, yesterday was pretty fresh;
i'm sayin':
spray paint and duct tape, boxcutters, cardboard,
fresh italian lunches, coffees, l.e.d. lights, rope, tea,
the roots, explosions, bug spray.
so many tasty ingredients. on the reals, son.

the barbarian book club summer reading list just arrived.
here it is

-the mabinogion,
-caesar's commentaries,
-early irish myths and sagas,
-the prose edda,
-the poetic edda,
-the sagas of the icelanders.

that should keep me knee-deep in dopeness,
and perpetually pro-actively persuing the powerful pictures portrayed in print......
im on it.
never quiet, never soft.

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