Monday, May 26

today is the day (observed)

i think i'm gonna go get those beaver bits i took pictures of.
the feet are perfectly preserved.
oh MAN, they are disgusting. little nails and pads.
and those brown little buck toofs...horrifying.
the tail looks like the sole of a shoe. only heinous.
but, i still think that a beaver-bone wizard-stick is going to be pretty elite.

i love this picture.
mostly it's the yellow bobot pipe-arms.
and the ill vision my man is projecting.
jimmie knuckles, ya'll.
lenses and light. digital combustibles. hot fire. twym tan. word.
this is the ninja who will be taking my portrait.
get ready to see the infinite nature, captured in soul-stealing silicon simulated celluloid.

hey hey hey,
since today is memorial day,(observed),
i'm sending out these verses,
dopeness dedicated to devious duders doing dastardly deeds.
composed, reputedly by wotan his own bad self,
in memory of some warriors i used to know....
hamden warriors, but still:

with weapons and gifts friends should gladden one another,
that is most obvious;
mutual givers and receivers are friends for longest,
if the friendship is going to work at all.

to his friend a man should be a friend,
and repay gifts with gifts;
laughter a man should give for laughter
and repay treachery with lies.

to his friend a man should be a friend
and to his friend's friend too;
but a friend no man should be
to the friend of his enemy.

you know, if you've a friend whom you really trust
and from whom you want nothing but good,
you should mix your soul with his and exchange gifts,
go and see him often.

^that's just a little taste of odin being smart.
those old norse cats were really into being generous.
it is the most common theme in all i've read,
after chopping arms and legs and heads, i mean.
that's the memorial service sermon for today.
keep fighting for your life.
make more memories, and donate more days to deepening the dopeness.

dear life,
you and i are at war,
and i am deep behind enemy lines.
get ready, deep-dish DAP-dispensing destruction.
doomsday dueling is on the menu,
.... it's today's special.
because today IS special.
every day is.
you and me,
single combat,
every day.


p.s. here's the competent communication conduit: .
now, when i say 'get at me', ya'll can get at me...
never quiet, never soft.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

word my duder, hot fire shoutouts.
indeed there will be magic picture boxing.
click on the url attached to my name. i added a few new pics. one of which i think is appropriate for the day, and the fine north woods, which i will be visiting very soon

its called "2A" the 2nd amendment