Thursday, March 6

six years.

today makes six years.
of THIS.
real life documentarianism.
blogging, even.
i can't say it's as rewarding or urgent as it used to be,
but i also know that less is never any good.
it's a tough call,
writing about nothing, a whole lot of it,
and very often,
just stopping it all,
and freeing up that time to do something else.
writing about cake is great, neighbors,
don't misunderstand me...
it seems like day in and day out,
it's a whole lot more of red spikes, winning,
and a whole lot less of really real life, living.
that's real.
harder and harder and harder get the styles,
and i couldn't be more tired of all of that noise.
i have no good news to report anymore.
rules are rules,
and secret plans aren't ever fully-revealed until the end.
i guess it's just got to be more as the main objective,
and not the biggest nor the most beautiful.
i guess in the spirit of keeping up with keeping on,
check the burly breakfast-type teleport:
oatmeal raisin maple walnut brown sugar cake,
with rolled oat sprankles,
and cinnamaple icing drizzled across the knobbly surface.
i bake things,
i break things,
i'm broke,
and i'm broken.
six years worth.
it's all STILL really going on,
all of it,
red spikes beating down the will of warrior poets,
and those same worthy wordsmiths never giving up.
the dose of poison is incrementally increased
according to built-up immunity to it.
it's iocane, this damned dirty blog,
and it's gonna keep going for now,
into the inconceivable unknown for the forseeable future;
never quiet, never soft.....

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