Monday, July 16


good bread makes better people.
that's a fact.
and i'm on some heavy wheat activation here at the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress,
and it's a revelation every time the oven gets fired up.
natural fermentation is really cool.
the F*ing air makes flour and water come alive!
and then it eats all the exxxtra flour,
then, after about a day, a big fluffy living organism, yeast and salt and water and flour,
makes a loaf of dough....the oven turns that into alchemical excellence,
with crust and crumb and all those pentosans, like a pro, bro.
you want a whole lotta pictures of bread?
i'll just leave this here for you:



























uniformly, these are all expert examples of wild, natural science at work.
...with a little bit on beauty by way of the banneton baskets they bloom in.
i like to share what i do in the early a.m. with y'all.
i mean, i bake a lot of bread, and i eat a lot of bread, and i give away a lot of bread.
it's sort of a community building exercise for me and my people.
breaking bread is an age-old form of connectivity with others.
and my table is set up for sharing with everybody.
i take a picture of every lovely loaf i've ever made, tha's just a thing that happens.
and every so often, i share all of that with you.
hope you liked it;
never quiet, never soft.....

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