Wednesday, July 22

car rides and pizza nights.

harvest, maple, and the cucch joined me
for a very dark, very rainy road trip,
across the kancamagus highway's narrow and twisty mountain passes.
jess manned the fort and held it down on the homefront last night,
just so we could come home to a few delicious slabs of homemade pizza.
that sh!t is really darn tasty, ya'll.
but, meanwhile back in the hills;
we had a specific misson in mind when we left,
and we executed our plan with diligent determination.
the girls finally, after years of woodsly visitation,
saw a mutha-uckin' big, brown, lanky, skanky, awesome
and in all other ways impressive MOOSE.
without natural predators in the mountains of new hampshire,
(besides massachussetts s.u.v.s)
moose pretty much just sit there on the side of the road,
munchin' up wet leaves and not givin' a flyin' F*.
as a bonus to their indifference,
we were about two feet away from a young cow,
for a whole chunk of minutes,
until other carloads, full of pantloads of waterabies showed up,
just to horn in on and scoople up our magic.
even those doo-doo buttery ruiners couldn't diminish the freshness, though.
it's kinda terrific, y'know, watching these kids flip out
over the jam-packed treats and tricks of the woodsly goodness.
another 'nother generation of Folk Life livin' is in the fixin', my ninjas.
on the way back, we rolled up on an even bigger beastly browser,
but he escaped into the woods before the girls could glimpse him.
their first black bear appeared after bread and puppet,
their first moose before pizza night....
if i had to pick out a perfect ending to an amazing visit
with two very rad little people,
that'd be it.
thanks a big fat bunch for lookin' out, secret universal plan.
never quiet, never soft....

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