Wednesday, July 29

the deep breath before the plunge.

holy sh!t.
at one o'clock this afternoon,
jess and i go over to the title service company,
where we'll be meeting with many business suited individuals,
to finalize all the big-time grown-up serious real-deal action.
the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress is really happening.
we're actually buying a mutha-uckin' house......
...and making it a home, too.
that's some big busy business, for sure.
so now,
in the early shirley mornin' hours,
we're waitin'.
patiently, even,
for the confirmation calls from our mortgage broker, pat jones;
our totally kickass realtor, rich johnson;
and whomever the F* else needs to buzz us about whatever's clever.
we've got a walk-through to walk through,
and some burly banking to balk a bit at,
but otherwise,
today is the day.
and it's a really good one.

this bit of personal pride brought to you in part
by the woodsly goodness,
the tatzappin' vacation concession of mt. washington,
the number eleven,
and generous contributions from the secret universal plan.
gratitude, ya'll.
never quiet, never soft...

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