Wednesday, July 15

mushroom huntin'.

armed with our foolproof guidebook,
'mushrooming without fear',
my sweet seedlings and myself are headed out on a journey.
woodsly woodears and boletes aplenty....
that's the goal of of our scavenger hunt
through the greenest glades in the goodness.
wild mutha-uckin' mushrooms,
fresh from the fields, leaves, trails, and stumps.
grilled nature for dinner?
sounds pretty flippin' tasty to my 'buds, ya'll.
we already tuned up a heapin' helpin' of pannie-cakes,
and saw the cucch and wizard dan off to work.
there's a real full-fledged dormitory campground feel over here.
tons of people,
piles of hustle,
bins of bustle, an' all that.
we've got the next stretch of spannable time reserved
exclusively for some daddy o'dad-type quality time.
father-daughter forest foraging.
that's wizard walkin' woodsly word-up worthiness.
and it's all really happening.

the sunscreen is applied,
the bug spray is slathered in gratuitous globs,
we've got our baskets,
our books,
and a whole day to get busy with this vacationy funtime.
fun is how you make it, my ninjas,
not just where you make it.

i'm here.
and i'm ready.
we're all here, even;
a little tribe of Folk Life photographers,
big-action banjo practicioners,
hard-style harmonica harpers,
and mixed-metaphor monikered men and women and children.
this is a helluva crew of peoples.
my peoples.
this is how fun gets made.
this is how moves get made.
this is where it happens,
and how.....
never quiet, never soft....

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