that's the count on the calendar.
it feels like a lot longer.
(that's what SHE said)
we've made a little headway into house v. home status.
very little actually.
the hot spots are SO hot.
magma and laserbeam lightning hot, even,
that they more than make up for the weaker sauces and doo-doo buttery bits.
like this mantle of manly monuments, for example.
hydrogen bomb explosions seem like b!tch-sap bang'n'snaps comparatively.
i mean,
antlers, pumpkins, thick woodsly goodness, british lime plaster stucco,
and a backplate of burly bricks?
'splosions of hottness, for sure.
on the left hand side of the picture,
the 1930's wildfowl of the white mountains ceramic tiles can be glimpsed.
that's hottness like the core of the sun or some sh!t,
i'm sayin'.
knick-knacks are for old ladies, ya'll.
barbarian battle-beasts don't collect tchotchkes,
we accumulate curios.
that's man speak for hoarding fresh treats and flavorful objects of interest,
more knack, less knick, or somethin' along those lines.
define it however you'd like,
but i'm still gonna fill that hearthy headway
with headless horns and hollow hallowe'en stuff.
antlers are the answer, or so i've heard,
and in the interest of smarty-pants smart-assery,
i'd like to have a smart answer.
to everything.

the other other side of the kitchen spot is just as fresh as the windows and doors.
yes, those are 140 year old beams.
i know, that's some sh!t.....
we spanned the morning watchin' a truly impressive owl.
that mama-jama perched and preened,
sprayed some doo-doo an easy four foot distance,
and tried to snack up on or little chipmunk homeboy.
happily, our litle lucky rodent dodged, dipped, ducked, and dived for cover,
and the epic airborne predator missed out on snackin' up our buddy.
everybody was happy,
except the owl.
these times are happening.
it's really flippin' freezin' cold up here.
like some 'oh snap!' cold snap nordic-viking-winds-of-change-type business.
thanks heavens for those hot spots, ya'll.
i don't know where the rest of you are,
but i'm at the fire;
never quiet, never soft....
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