uh-huh, a gravity-fed pull-chain poop scoopler!
i think that maybe the hottness just called;
it said it wants to squeeze some links out in my bathroom,
because with that kind of victorian excellence, you have to...
it's almost too awesome to plop poops in.
yeah, i know,
even the sh!tter is totally dope.
and if you're with me on how elite my toilet is,
you should really see the shower.
i count my lucky stars every day, ya'll.
i spent my first full shorn short-haired day at work.
compliments did not exactly abound.
we resist change up here.
to make matters a bit more measurably miserable.
i was told i could pass for any modern country music icon.
....and that hurt a little.
but did i feel different, with the new look and new 'do?
i didn't believe in all that 'be the change' horsecrap back in november, either.
i did tatblast my whole pair o'asscheeks off,
and rewarded myself with a little trip to the cinema.
inglorious basterds?
historical travesty, more like.
and also insanely fresh, furious, flavorful, far-fetched, and fulfilling.
convoluted sub-plot storytelling?
less-than-gratifying outcomes?
sure thing.
baseball bat bashmastering?
hells yeah!
samuel l. jackson voice-over narration?
a little bit, ya'll. a little tiny bit.
we rolled deep to the theater, (connecticut understands the term)
with multiple rows of my ninjas and ninjettes appreciating the moviehaus together.
we doo-doo that kind of thing....
word to wade boggs,
i'm here to drop logs,
in a turbo hot bathroom, my ninjas.
you're invited to come and crash on my shores.
pull the chain for service;
never quiet, never soft....
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