Sunday, August 2


i zipzapped the weiner guy, glenn, today.
his birthday month starts now.
he knows how to appropriately celebrate passing another year around the sun.
he also knows a lot about old houses and all that.
so i blast his buttocks with inky tat-skids,
and he guides my vision of new englandy handymanliness.
it's almost more than just a little teeny tiny bit gay, really;
what with the man-on-man contact,
but hey,
it's time well spent for us both.
i'm okay with it.....

scrapin' on the walls is on the menu for tonight.
wallpaper remover smells pretty butt-nasty,
and the purple juice they drop in it doesn't improve it much.
i'm seriously serious,
homeownership thus far,
with the sleeping bag on the floor,
the festy carpet situation,
the rainy days and leaky garage,
and peely gross walls,
is NOT blowing my mind.
in fact,
it mostly just blows.....
hard work is it's own reward, i've heard;
there had better be some old/new hottness at the end of the tunnel.
not just a mess and wet wood.
(that's what SHE said)

five hundred and six.
that's the number of posts on this blog i've rocked.
it also happens, numerologically speaking,
to add up to eleven.
i'm trying to vanilla sky some godsend windfalls, ya'll.
cultivated coincidences,
if you're out there,
i'm waiting (in sleeping bag on the floor);
never quiet, never soft....

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