Saturday, June 30

meaningless efforts, effortless meanings.

a super-steamy saturday in the mountains awaits.
a billion degrees and a billion weekending A*holes
crammed and jammed all together for an altogether
awful batch of disregard-
for propriety, politeness, and active participation.
weak sauce waterbabies want tours of the woodsly goodness
like voyeurs and peepers and creepers.
it's mostly show up, and very little get busy.
they don't make moves, they just move on.
that's neither worthy nor real,
and certainly not warrior spirit.
i can't hang out with that.
these bunches of b!tches just want to be entertained, y'all.
distracted and diverted and all that kind of noise.
and for what it's worth,
i'm pretty flippin' entertaining, too.
but it all costs somethin', y'know?
the albie rock show, like most grands, and all movie checks,
does not come for free,
and i don't plan on ever selling my life cheaply.
some minky mama-jamas can't afford it,
and other other miki-fikis can't afford NOT to get some.
i'm a luxury, kids,
and in that sense, very necessary.
word up.
worth and value and price aren't always all the same thing.
you know it.
today's bargain bin buyout of barbarian business?
rib cages and power outages.
the juice broke loose and escaped it's circuits.
after a million parallel lines on a moving target,
my second appointment of the day sh!t the bed due to
primitive underelectrified conditions.
no motive motorization means no sweet moolah.
saturday took a crap on my wallet, y'heard?
so how did i respond?
did i flip out and chop arms and legs and heads?
stop it.
it's too hot for that nonsense.
i took it on my hirsute yet weak chin like this:
teleportationally activated nutrient checkpoints, neighbors.
hard looks from a hard-lookin' warrior poet.
staying ugly, staying dope.
i may be engaging on almost every level,
but i am not amused.
y'know what takes the edge off of being a burgeoning barbarian?
sprankles, b!tch.
i doo-doo that tangible, consumable comestible rewards action.
and i take pictures while driving,
albeit poorly.
tomorrow is july.
tomorrow the girls i made come to visit.
tomorrow everything changes.
just like every day.
just like always.
it's all happening.
i am grateful for the time i've been given,
and for the ability to document it for you.
thanks, friends, for tuning in;
never quiet, never soft.....

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