Tuesday, June 3

mexican monday?

mexican sandwich jauns.
vegan homestyle roast,
and avocado,
and pea shoots,
on a hoagie-styled lightly toasted bun,
with pinto bean burger medallions.
those were something-
sauteed shallot and garlic and green pepper and jalapeno pepper,
seasoned with nootch and black pepper and g.p.o.p.,
and cayenne pepper, and wheat gluten and soy flour and ho' sauce,
with a little smoked sea salt and smokier sweet paprika,
and a little punch of brown sugar, too.
check the teleport:
that's what the F* is UP, neighbors.
and it all got topped with cafe noche salsa,
courtesy of my special ladyfriend, amber.
we made it work,
mexico met sandwich week,
and we all got something better because of it.
simple isn't always evil,
especially when we're all hungry,
and four folks need to fill their fat flippin' faces.
we made it work.
and that's what it's all about, anyway.
breakfast made it's way to the waking world in the white mountains.
it always does.
me and the cucch aren't afraid to begin the day
with self-destructive behavior in the foldover format of
diabolical first-thing shark gluttony, either.
check the big-fat-sunovab!tchin'-type teleport:
filled with tofuscramble with the fake bacon beige burnt right in.
the 'cakes were buttery,
and the syrup was abundant on the insides of those taco-type treats.
for lubing up our larynx and allowing the largesse of our luxurious
early a.m. activation to fill our tubby blarpity guts.
too much, too soon.
that's the way it's supposed to be.
what's up tonight?
i dunno, yet,
but it'll be portable,
and it'll be potent,m
and it'll be a portent of ill-intent if it doesn't include bread.
real talk,
real life,
really real,
no matter what;
never quiet, never soft.....  

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