Sunday, June 14

bike week.

y'hear that, neighbors?
there are about a billion old dudes wearing leather,
with a million tank-topped old ladies,
with way too many elastic bands in their segmented ponytails,
and enough chrome to reflect the suns rays back into the atmosphere,
all surrounding and weaving within, without, and around the woodsly goodness.
it's bike week again,
and there's almost no other week where the douchetards of the earth
can practice unadulterated poor motor vehicle operation,
and excessive dead cow skin apparel modeling,
whilst also clogging up every available inn, motel, restaurant,
and especially every bar,
throughout the entire state of new hampshire.
one hundred percent doo-doo butter,
for the next eight days.
it's loud, and the styles are molto hard,
but there's nothing fresh about any of it.
craptacular weak sauce is oozing into the forest realm at an alarming rate.
it's all really happening,
and that's a damned shame;
never quiet, never soft.....

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