Saturday, August 18


harvest and maple and i have a few traditions that we observe whenever we're together,
and they're all pretty flippin' expert.
that's the truth.
food is a huge part of our shared experience,
and that has always been a common thread across all the time we've spanned-
especially breakfast times.
i mean,
breakfast has all the best foods, really.
pancakes, waffles, french toast- all of those are invited to the party-
but sometimes, we go sweeter-
and when it's time to really make myself remember just how bad for you
vegan things can sometimes be,
even if they're sooooo good for all the tastebuds and neuroreceptors that crave
all that bad-for-you-ness;
and even if you're saving all the little happy alive things that aren't you.
we go hard on the breakfast treats-
we make 'em look good, we make 'em taste good, we make ourselves feel great for a second-
then the sugar does it's work and tries to kill us;
but i'm just sayin', right up until then, it's so dope.
i'm not sad about it, even if i had a headache all effing day long afterwards-
check the teleport:

CINNAMON BUNS! (cinnamon rolls?!)
all that gooey goodness!
twice the drizzly icing!
tons of cinnamon sugary sweetness!
guys, too much is the right amount, that's a thing.
so i had three of them in a warm, soft, hot row-
but, full disclosure: all this eating with more nutritional responsibility,
and being s'much more mindful lately has put me at a disadvantage
when attempting to physically process these tempting spirals of cinnamony-ness!
these jauns were especially awesome, too.
i don't know why, exactly,
but i do know that we were all very impressed with the finished product.
i'll tell you what i did,
and you can see if you get the same results:
preheat your oven to 375℉
in a small pot, warm up over low heat:
1 cup non-dairy milk;
1 tsp vanilla;
4 T vegan butter.
remove that from the heat when the butter is melted and set aside-
in your ever-dependable, indispensable stand-up mixer, dough-hook'd and ready,
3 cups flour;
1/2 tsp salt;
1 tsp vanilla;
1/2 cup brown sugar;
1 pkg (1 T) fast-actin' yeast.
whisk it around once or twice, to blend it a bit,
then add the liquid butter/s'milk blend, and knead it for ten minutes.
cover and allow it to rise for 15 minutes-
then roll the dough into a rectangle on a well-floured surface,
and fill it with the freshie-fresh-to-deathness, dudes-
3/4 cup brown sugar;
3T powdered sugar;
1/2 tsp vanilla;
4 T vegan butts;
cinnamon, nutmeg, & allspice, according to your preferred proportions-
spread to the short edges, and along one long edge of your rectangle,
leaving a half an inch or more on one side to seal 'em shut when rolled-
you gotta start your spiral tight, and keep it that way as you wrap it up-
i like to freeze mine for five-ten minutes wrapped in plastic,
so that the long log you've made is firm when you slice it into individual bunzos, bro.
y'need a cast iron big'un, buddy.
yeah, like a 10"er. those are the good ones.
lined with parchment, for the easiest cleanup,too.
slice your chilled log in half, then those halves in half, then those quarters into thirds-
y'feel me? that's a dozen in a hurry.
nine on the outside, three in the center,
and thirty minutes in your oven,
and you're a superstar hero to all the hungry homies in your kitchen.
that's no joke.
y'gotta let 'em cool just a little baby bit BEFORE you ice 'em,
or you just get the worst see-though slime on top.
nobody likes that.
(if you like that, stop it, that's gross)
we did two types of glaze.
one is good, for sure...but that's not enough for me and mine, man.
no way.
we overdo it, or we don't bother at all.
cinnamon vanilla icing is tight.
it's just powdered sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, and s'milk-
but creamchee' glaze is magical.
that's for sure.
a scoople of creamchee', a splash of s'milk, and a big bowl of ka-powdered sweetness,
stirred into the thickness?
that takes the whole game to eleven in a heartbeat.
and once you know it exists, you're kind of an A*-hole if you ignore it.
y'can't act like you don't know once you know, y'know??
rules is rules, and being dope is a rule, fool...
guess who fell asleep instantly?
yeah, it was me.
i am so incredibly comforted when my small ones are here.
even though they're not small at all anymore.
it's just that i feel better when they're around.
and i'm so content when we're spanning time together-
so much so, i fall asleep!
talk about missing out.
except i don't feel like i'm missing them half as much as i miss them when they're gone.
we're having a time over here.
and it's a good time.
i'm glad about it;
never quiet, never soft.....

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