Thursday, March 10

bone tired and card bored....

without them,
we'd just be us.
and just the two of us would be less than half as useful.
we had a whole galleryful of assistants
offering up assistance,
and aides providing aid.
(no, not AIDS, be easy)
never quiet, never soft is doo-dooing it's debut
SO mutha-flippin' hard.
uncounted hours of cardstock, newsprint, duct tape,
and the toxic fumes wafting off of the fuzzy nibs
of a slew of sharp-pointed, blunt-edged, and chisel-tipped
permanent ink-blasting marky-markers.
i'm operating on next-to-no sleep,
next-to-too-much fresh vegan foodie goodness,
and waaaay too much social interaction.
from early-shirley to surely too late,
it's been one holy helluva day.
and now it's done, and none too soon,
because i'm dog-tired, bone-weary, and fading fast.
no, actually,
we aren't even close to done with any of it...
but thanks for asking and stressing me out even more.
the entire crew comes back to participate,
with some of the loudest, freshest, and hardest styles
that recycled refuse and potential hottness
have to offer.
even earlier,
even later,
and all the rest of all of it.
ohhhh, man!
it's all really happening, just not as fast as it could.
it's cold, after all,
and things move sluggishly in the cold, yeah?
thank goodness for happy helping hands,
and the teeth they're biting into this project with.
chomp, chomp, swallow, and blow...
this is how it starts,
and it's anyone guess as to how it's gonna end.
the big reveal is still up for grabs,
what say what say what?!
anything could happen;
never quiet, never soft.....

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