Friday, March 11

tonight is the night!!!!!

holy crapsticks.
we've taken it to eleven.
we've gone as far as we could in the time allowed,
maybe even farther...
if i was on my own computer,
you'd see so many, many pictures of all of it.
the suspense should be enough to get you up and out of your house.
for really real.
there's almost not enough time to type this.
a real art opening,
in a real city,
is really really happening.
some of that is cool,
and we've got real-life trees on stands.
cut down and stood up.
woodsly goodness in full effect.
as if there weren't enough reasons to get you here,
there's gonna be homemade cookies.
so even if you hate art, artists, cool kid art-nerds,
cities, hipsters, drunk folks, and site-specfic installations
of turbo hot loud, fresh, hardness,
then at least come out for the cookies.
do it,
because if you don't,
you're missing out.
never quiet, never soft.....

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