Wednesday, March 30

neither eastern nor easter.

who invited the gloomy weather reports, duders?
just askin',
since it was a perfectly perfect spring day today.
and april is headed our way with arctic blasts of hardship.
no foolin', neighbors.
a nor'easter?
for real?
but don't expect too much of a reaction from all of us
worthy winter-weary warriors of woodsly goodness.
a positive dental outlook, kids.
for my face!
that's the kind of non-stop breakneck excitement we bask in
on a sunshiny last wednesday in march.
pretty big action, huh?
well, what did YOU do?
alright, then;
my choppers are clean.
...and huge.
like pearly panels from a giant oyster or something.
i swear the hygenist used a garden trowel
to scrape the uninvited cavity creepers off
of those incredibly immense incisors.
dental hygiene, folks.
you like it,
i love it.
i keep the up-here-teeth out of my mouth,
no matter how long i live up here.
there's only so native i can go.
true that, son!
family time ends.
family time begins.
we've got change-ups, rollovers, and hand-offs.
different members of the wifey's clan are due to
occupy some space in our Folk Life & Liberty Fortress.
i know, kids.
when IS the coast gonna be clear?
because after these blood relations clear out,
the cucch clears a path to one whole entire
fattie-boombattie yearlong semipermanent residence,
packed high with flattie breads and powerful pizzas.
that's more like we're an embassy, son.
sleepovers, layovers, stayovers,
and always with space for leftovers.
no room at the inn?
the Fortress refuses no one, kids.
that's a thing.
pre-easter, even.
and with just one last day left in march,
the march is still so long,
and the warmth of the rainspouting, pouting outside places
is so so far away..
cold and wet,
warm and dry,
and several combinations in between.
it's all really happening,
and the wind is blowing it's changes at us.
flags, kites, weathervanes, and answers, y'all.
facefirst and leaning against the push;
never quiet, never soft.....

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