Friday, December 16


barbarian battle beast?
it's a sunny friday morning in
our ideal idyllic setting.
the woodsly goodness gets more awesome
after a sh!tskid sunless rainy day is done.
you know,
without the bitter, an' that.
our nothing room is fast becoming a something room.
okay, okay,
i'll explain it...
for all you ninjas who haven't had the pleasure
of touring the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress,
we have a nothing room.
that's right.
it has six doorways in a narrow space.
what can you do with a room like that?
but NOW, neighbors,
our heroic handymen have activated some epic expertism
and one of those doorways has disappeared
into more room where there was a mudroom.
because two mudrooms is too many,
and although that's normally the right amount
of everything,
we want to make something out of nothing.
and that's a thing.
it's still happening,
but the holes in our house are being healed,
and the future of spatial spanning is here.
it's all really underway,
under construction,
and under the radar of our actual neighbors.
we're like that.
XI-mas shopping, suckas.
i'm almost done.
as usual,
i've captured the real spirit of the holiday season.
big ol' heaped bunches of boxes filled with treats!!
i gave in and i started wrapping.
and what i saw made me pretty psyched.
plentiful piles.
copious quantities.
teeming trails of mutha-F*ing treats, son!
what i lack in mudrooms,
i've made up for in metallic foil paper and bows.
that's what's up.
the stockings aren't as stuffed as they could be,
and my competitive complex compels me
to pack 'em up right tight with stuffs.
i know, y'all.
but my inner nature is infinite,
and nature always wins.
here's to victory;
never quiet, never soft.....

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